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Penn State Arts Fest

penn state

We'll be in our little tent out in the streets of State College letting you try and take home a variety of our most popular mustards, marinades, bbq sauces, and hot sauces. Check out the art, grab some food, and taste some sauce. What a great day! 10am to 7pm 7/13, 7/14, and 7/15 and […]

New Cumberland Apple Fest

New Cumberlan Borough Park 517 Front st, New Cumberland, PA, United States

For one day only head down to New Cumberland Borough Park and take part in the yearly Apple Festival. On Saturday, September 30th, from 9 to 4 try tons of food, check out some arts & crafts, and sample our delicious sauces made only minutes away. It's in a cozy little park with some of […]

Covered Bridge & Arts Festival

bloomsburg fairgrounds 1004 west main st, Bloomsburg, PA, United States

We've been doing this show for quite some time now and are loving the new location at the Bloomsburg Fairgrounds. If you haven't been yet, you are missing out. There's food, crafts, food, jewelry, food, holiday stuff, food, and, um, FOOD! We'll be there doing what we do best so make sure you keep an […]

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