Our Story

The hottest sauces. Specialty sauces for everyone and their grandma. These delicious sauces didn’t all just grow on trees – well, not technically. It’s been 19 years since Torchbearer Sauces sprang to life in Pennsylvania through heat-loving friends & family and their homemade hot sauces. 

And of course, we can’t forget the invaluable support of family. Tom and Tricia Lynch have been partners practically since the beginning of this crazy little journey. So to them, we say thank you. Without the two of you, there would be no Torchbearer Sauces.


Torchbearer Sauces founders illustration

The Beginning of Something Awesome

Owner Vid Lynch’s obsession with hot food began in high school at a “good-bye” party for a friend who was moving away. They were eating BBQ chicken and the friend started pouring some crazy extract sauce all over his food. Vid joined in and hasn’t stopped melting his insides since.

Years later, Vid and his friend Ben (who would later become his partner in Torchbearer), each had a crop of habanero peppers they had no idea what to do with. On the fateful day of September 21, 2004, they took all those peppers and bottled them with some carrots, mandarin oranges, and onions to preserve them. Turns out that was pure magic, because that resulted in creating the first sauce for the company: Super Fancy Sultry #7

Family and friends couldn’t get enough, and the guys were convinced it might be time to try to sell their concoction. They even knew what to call themselves, as Vid had a photography and video production company named “Torchbearer.” Definitely too perfect to not use.

Now We’re Getting Somewhere!

Cut to April 1st, 2005, and the company officially began. With the paperwork in order and $10,000 worth of hot sauce to move, the boys headed down to a festival in New Iberia, Louisiana with dollar signs in their eyes. Very quickly, it became apparent that no one was selling $10,000 worth of anything in New Iberia, Louisiana (especially in the concourse of a rodeo arena where this show was being held). 

Ben and Vid got the festival crash course right away, experiencing many issues and hardships they’ve since learned to overcome, such as “make sure you don’t bring a 20-foot banner unless you really know what you’re going to do with it” and “maybe meet and talk to other vendors about a festival before you drive multiple days to get there.” That sort of thing.

There were plenty of good things that came out of this trip too. The guys met some great people who were experienced in their line of work and who weren’t afraid to offer priceless advice. They saw different booth setups and took some ideas to improve their own space. There was even someone who went to the hospital over the heat one of their sauces provided (that’s a plus, right?). So, while they only made $400 – $600 dollars, a bit short of their goal, they learned so much more than they could have ever expected.

Give the People What They Want

Vid and Ben’s recipes for unique hot sauces got them going, but the things that really set them apart from other companies were the mustards, marinades, and BBQ sauces they started creating. While folks would be intrigued by ghost peppers and scorpion peppers, many would keep coming back to that Oh My Garlic! or Honey Mustard that you could serve anyone and use in anything. At festivals, it wasn’t all about being the toughest fire eater but about what the customer liked and how they could improve everything from grilled chicken to potato salad. The guys basically found a way to appeal to everyone – and with that came success.

The Torchbearer Sauces Team

Years passed and things slowly got bigger and better. As shows got more profitable and stores all over started carrying Torchbearer Sauces, the crew and facility needed to expand. Scott and Andy were hired and ran shows, set up the new warehouse, and were permanent fixtures during every production. Now, after hiring Josh, Bob, Katie, and Dee, everyone has found their specific niche and the company continues to grow. The kitchen even has a fully functioning bottling line, and the kettle has gone from a 40-gallon to a 300-gallon.

Flavor First, Fire Second

While there have been so many expansions and improvements, the important things haven’t changed. From the all-natural, locally-sourced ingredients to the fun bottle artwork the fans expect, Ben and Vid continue to do things like they always did. The importance of a tasty product, made with healthy, real stuff (no extracts or preservatives here!), done in a fun way has been and always will be the focus. From flavorful reaper sauces to put-it-on-everything wing sauces, these guys know what works. 

Now with 7 seasons of Hot Ones under their belt, celebrity sauce collaborations, mentions in Food Network and CNN articles, and other top-secret things on the horizon, the sky’s the limit for the Torchbearer team. 

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